Benefitting the SVDP St. Joseph Conference, Manor
The Friends of the Poor® Walk is an important fundraising event for St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) to raise awareness about our neighbors in need struggling with financial difficulties.
Join us on Saturday, October 5, 2024, at St. Joseph Catholic Church to support SVDP. Registration/check-in will begin at 9:30 am, and the walk will take place from 10 am to noon. All funds raised will be used to support the Manor community.
You can help us raise awareness and funds in the following ways:
You can find SVDP members (Vincentians) after Masses for assistance in registering to become a walker, getting your questions answered, or making a donation.
SVDP Helpline: (512) 573-6834
Please call our helpline and leave a voice message as directed. We will return calls within 48 hours in the order the call was received. We accept calls on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday. We do not accept calls for assistance on Thursday, Friday, the weekend or holidays.
Please note: due to a high volume of calls our service days may be changed without notice.
Click to donate to St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St Vincent de Paul Conference is composed of volunteer members who devote their time and talents to assist those in need. SVDP is an international Catholic organization of laypersons, founded in 1883 by Frederic Ozanam and his companions. Placed under the patronage of St. Vincent de Paul, the Society derives its inspiration from his thinking and work. It seeks, in a spirit of justice and charity and by person-to-person involvement of its members, to help those who are in need.
Funding: Monthly parish donations, generous sponsors, and twinning conference support fund us. We receive no county, state or federal funding.
Service Area: We serve individuals and families living in the Manor area, in the 78653 zip code. We serve St. Joseph parishioners regardless of address. Our members make home visits to each person/family needing assistance by appointment only.
Assistance offered: We provide temporary assistance with rent and utilities (electricity, water and propane) once every six (6) months. Regretfully, we do not assist with utility or rental deposits, car repairs, transportation, medical/dental expenses, credit card bills etc.
Food Pantry: We maintain a small food pantry month which contains non-perishable items like rice, pastas, can goods, instant soups etc. We offer toiletry items (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, toilet paper while supplies last. We assist persons with food once a month.
Service days: We accept calls on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday via the SVDP HELPLINE. We do not accept calls for assistance on Thursday, Friday, the weekend or holidays. Please note: due to a high volume of calls our service days may be changed without notice